Yan, M., Zhou, W., Shu, H., Yusupu, R., Krügel, A., & Kliegl, R (2014). Eye movements guided by morphological structure: Evidence from Uighur language. Cognition. 132(2), 181-215.
Abstract. It is generally accepted that low-level features (e.g., inter-word spaces) are responsible for saccade-target selection in eye-movement control during reading. In two experiments using Uighur script known for its rich suffixes, we demonstrate that, in addition to word length and launch site, the number of suffixes influences initial landing positions. We also demonstrate an influence of word frequency. These results are difficult to explain purely by low-level guidance of eye movements and indicate that due to properties specific to Uighur script low-level visual information and high-level information such as morphological structure of parafoveal words jointly influence saccade programming.
An reanalysis of the data using lme4 (v.1.1-7) and additional comments about fitting complex linear mixed models is available at RPubs.