setwd("/Users/eike/Documents/R/BLUP_Problem") rm(list=ls()) set.seed(0) library(MASS) library(lattice) library(lme4,keep.source=F); newsim = 0; if(newsim){ #################################### #now we'll have a balanced design L = 10; #number of levels of the predictor N = 1; #number of measurements v = 30; #number of participants o = L*N*v #number of objects #Parameters beta = c(0,0); #fixed effect parameters sigma = 1; #std dev of residual #data frame of balanced design a = data.frame(matrix(c(sort(rep(1:v,L*N)),rep(rep((1:L)-mean(1:L),N),v),rep(0,o)),o,3)) names(a)<-c("vp","x","y") a$vp<-factor(a$vp) #simulate LR = 100000 #number of different true correlations to simulate between -.9 and .9 RHO = seq(-.9,.9,1.8/(LR-1)) #true correlations to simulate sim = 1 #number of simulations per correlation B = matrix(rep(0,2*sim*v*LR),nrow=sim*v*LR,ncol=2) #ranef: parameters minus BLUPs F = matrix(rep(0,2*sim*LR),nrow=sim*LR,ncol=2) #fixef: parameters minus estimates P = matrix(rep(0,6*sim*LR),nrow=sim*LR,ncol=6) #Psi: estimated std's and corr and std's and corr of BLUPs S = rep(0,sim*LR) #Sigma: estimated std of epsilon K = S #Rho: true correlations of models k = 0 r = rep(0,o) #random component of the model e = r #residual of the model #fixed effect X<-cbind(rep(1,o),a$x) y<-X%*%beta for (rho in RHO){ Psi = matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1),2,2); #std and corr of random effects for (i in 1:sim){ #random effect b = mvrnorm(n=v,c(0,0),Psi);#,empirical=TRUE for (j in 1:v){ id<-a[,1]==j #random noise e[id] = mvrnorm(n=length(id),0,sigma*sigma)#,empirical=TRUE r[id] = rep(b[j,1],sum(id)) + b[j,2]*a$x[id] } #data complete: a$y<- y + r + e #save one example data set if (i==1 & rho==RHO[round(length(RHO)/3)]) {A = a} #lmer a.r<-lmer(y ~ x + (x | vp),data=a) B[(1:v)+(i-1)*v+k*v,1:2] = as.matrix(ranef(a.r)$vp-b) F[i+k,1:2] = as.matrix(fixef(a.r))-beta s = as.matrix(VarCorr(a.r)$vp) P[i+k,1] = sqrt(s[1,1]) P[i+k,2] = sqrt(s[2,2]) P[i+k,3] = s[1,2]/(P[i+k,1]*P[i+k,2]) P[i+k,4:5] = sd(coef(a.r)$vp[c(1,2)]) P[i+k,6] = cor(coef(a.r)$vp[c(1,2)])[2]; S[i+k] = attr(VarCorr(a.r),"sc") K[i+k] = rho } k = k + sim } save(B,F,P,S,K,file="simul1.Rdata") write(K,file="K1",ncolumns = 1) write(t(P),file="P1",ncolumns = 6) } else load("simul1.Rdata") K1 = K; P1 = P; if(newsim){ ############################## #simul of unbalanced design #now we'll have an unbalanced design N<-N*2 #maximum number of measurements o = L*N*v #data frame of balanced design rm(a) a = data.frame(matrix(c(sort(rep(1:v,L*N)),rep(rep((1:L)-mean(1:L),N),v),rep(0,o)),o,3)) names(a)<-c("vp","x","y") a$vp<-factor(a$vp) #now kick p% of the rows p = 50 id = sort(unique(round(runif(5*o,min=1,max=o)))[1:(round((1-p/100)*o))]) a = a[id,] o = nrow(a) #simulate k = 0 r = rep(0,o) #random component of the model e = r #residual of the model #fixed effect X<-cbind(rep(1,o),a$x) y<-X%*%beta for (rho in RHO){ Psi = matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1),2,2); for (i in 1:sim){ #random effect b = mvrnorm(n=v,c(0,0),Psi);#,empirical=TRUE for (j in 1:v){ id<-a[,1]==j #random noise e[id] = mvrnorm(n=length(id),0,sigma*sigma)#,empirical=TRUE r[id] = rep(b[j,1],sum(id)) + b[j,2]*a$x[id] } #data complete: a$y<- y + r + e #save one example data set if (i==1 & rho==RHO[round(length(RHO)/3)]) {A = a} #lmer a.r<-lmer(y ~ x + (x | vp),data=a) B[(1:v)+(i-1)*v+k*v,1:2] = as.matrix(ranef(a.r)$vp-b) F[i+k,1:2] = as.matrix(fixef(a.r))-beta s = as.matrix(VarCorr(a.r)$vp) P[i+k,1] = sqrt(s[1,1]) P[i+k,2] = sqrt(s[2,2]) P[i+k,3] = s[1,2]/(P[i+k,1]*P[i+k,2]) P[i+k,4:5] = sd(coef(a.r)$vp[c(1,2)]) P[i+k,6] = cor(coef(a.r)$vp[c(1,2)])[2]; S[i+k] = attr(VarCorr(a.r),"sc") K[i+k] = rho } k = k + sim } save(B,F,P,S,K,file="simul2.Rdata") write(K,file="K2",ncolumns = 1) write(t(P),file="P2",ncolumns = 6) } else load("simul2.Rdata") K2 = K; P2 = P; w = 5000; n1 = length(K1) n2 = length(K2) par(mfrow=c(1,3)) id1 = order(K1) id2 = order(K2) x1 = K1[id1]; y1 = P1[id1,3]-x1; x2 = K2[id2]; y2 = P2[id2,3]-x2; st1 = seq(w,n1,by=5); xf1 = filter(x1,rep(1/w,w),side=1) yf1 = filter(y1,rep(1/w,w),side=1) st2 = seq(w,n2,by=5); xf2 = filter(x2,rep(1/w,w),side=1) yf2 = filter(y2,rep(1/w,w),side=1) plot(0,0,col="white",main="estimated correlations",xlab="true correlation",ylab="estimate - true",ylim=c(-0.05,0.05)); lines(xf1[st1],yf1[st1],col="black",lwd=2) lines(xf2[st2],yf2[st2],col="red",lwd=2) y1 = P1[id1,6]-x1 y2 = P2[id2,6]-x2 plot(0,0,col="white",main="posterior correlations (from BLUPs)",xlab="true correlation",ylab="BLUPestimate - true",ylim=c(-0.05,0.05)) #plot corr's of BLUPs (y) against actual (x) yf1 = filter(y1,rep(1/w,w),side=1) yf2 = filter(y2,rep(1/w,w),side=1) lines(xf1[st1],yf1[st1],col="black",lwd=2) lines(xf2[st2],yf2[st2],col="red",lwd=2) y1 = P1[id1,6]-P1[id1,3] y2 = P2[id2,6]-P2[id2,3] plot(0,0,col="white",main="estimated correlations",xlab="true correlation",ylab="BLUPestimate - estimate",ylim=c(-0.05,0.05)) #plot difference of both (y) against actual (x) yf1 = filter(y1,rep(1/w,w),side=1) yf2 = filter(y2,rep(1/w,w),side=1) lines(xf1[st1],yf1[st1],col="black",lwd=2) lines(xf2[st2],yf2[st2],col="red",lwd=2)